The jacket offers excellent protection against wind, rain, and snow, and is also highly breathable, allowing for maximum comfort and mobility. The jacket is made with a combination of waterproof and breathable fabrics, allowing for the best protection from the elements. The Houdini is a highly waterproof jacket designed for outdoor activities. When washing your clothes in a machine, use a fiber filter bag to keep them from pilling. You can avoid pilling by washing your fleece separately from other items. If you wash it too much, it can damage the fabric. You should wash your Patagonia fleece as frequently as necessary to keep it clean. Patagonia’s environmental policy is based on a zero-tolerance approach, and it is always looking for ways to reduce its impact on the environment. The best way to clean it is with cold water and mild detergent. If you do not properly wash your fleece, it will begin to smell bad and will not be effective at keeping you warm. If you want to clean Patagonia® products, the most effective way is to wash them in cold or warm water with mild laundry detergent (nontoxic, biodegradable alternatives are preferred). Your gear will be able to live for a long time if you follow these instructions. If you want to dry in front of a dryer, just heat it down and let it dry. Secure all snaps and tie straps together to prevent damage to fabric. You can either air dry or use a dryer if you have a dryer that can operate at low temperatures and has a delicate tumble feature.Ī good powdered detergent or a technical wash soap, such as Nikwax® Tech Wash, should be used in a front-loading washing machine. Wash and care your outdoor gear every few years to keep it looking good. You can wash dishes in a tub or sink, or you can wash dishes in a washing machine like we did for the cleaning. The DWR wash and treatment can be used in one of two ways. As the DWR is degrading, I’m going to use nick wax TX direct wash on my car. You must adhere to the Nick wax bottle instructions as well as the label directions on the piece of outerwear to which you have purchased it. When applying DWR treatments like Nick wax TX direct washing to an outer wear product, I find that it just works better for the outer wear. In addition, keeping your jacket’s DWR treatment intact prevents it from becoming too heavy by soaking it in water. Dirt and oil buildup clog those pores, resulting in a decrease in breathability. The outer face fabric and the waterproof breathable membrane of the jacket are both affected by dirty clothing, in addition to the outer face fabric. With these tips, you can ensure that your Patagonia Houdini jacket stays in perfect condition for years to come.
#Patagonia houdini pants washing care how to#
We’ll also provide tips on how to care for and store your jacket to keep it in top condition. In this article, we will provide a step-by-step guide on how to clean your Houdini jacket, including the best methods for both machine and hand washing. So, if you’re wondering how to wash your Patagonia Houdini jacket, you’ve come to the right place.

But, like any other piece of clothing, it requires regular cleaning. It’s lightweight, water-resistant, and breathable. Patagonia’s Houdini jacket is a great lightweight option for outdoor activities like running, hiking, and cycling.